
Hearth and bath-type melting furnace with regenerator technology

EcoMelter©, 35t bath content, 105t per day, tiltable

Advantages that pay off:

  • Investment security through innovative design with heat recovery
  • Direct connection to filter system No secondary air and additional waste gas cooling
  • Lower overall energy consumption due to regenerator burner
  • Enhanced handling – on and in the furnace through clear, reliable furnace geometry
  • Minimised burn-off losses
  • All furnaces can be equipped with Alu-Treat© aluminium bath treatment

Typ HSO: High-performance hearth and bath-type melting furnace

Type designation explanation based on example of HSO 200/50:

  • 200 t net melting capacity in 24 hours
  • 50 t bath capacity

Hearth and bath-type melting furnace

The EcoMelter© Type HSO is a hearth and bath-type melting furnace which we supply either as a tilting or stationary solution. Its entire bath surface has a high furnace vault as a melting area. A dry hearth is integrated for the preheating of ingot material or as a melting bridge to separate aluminium and iron. It is particularly efficient, and the dense flue gas layer over the molten material ensures complete combustion and excellent heat transfer. The furnace is only supplied with the EcoReg© or PulsReg© regenerator burners. Gas, oil or pulverised fuels can be used.

Typ WSO: Tiltable casting and holding furnace

Type designation explanation based on example of WSO 60/5:

  • 60 t melting capacity in 24 hours
  • 5 t bath capacity

Tiltable casting and holding furnace

The furnace type is also suitable for processing lumpy scrap in a remelting plant. It can be employed as a highly flexible melting furnace without salt, e.g. as a parallel melting unit for a rotating drum furnace, or as a melting and alloying furnace for a special molten metal alloy. Furnaces with a 25 t bath capacity and melting capacities of 5.0 t/h are now in operation.
The furnace can be tilted by approx. 30° to remove the molten metal.

Typ MSO: Melting and holding furnace

Melting and holding furnace

The EcoMelter© Type MSO is a melting and holding furnace with or without a dry hearth. It is used in foundries with a low metal requirement and frequent alloy changes. It can process an average of 20–25 t molten metal in a period of 24 h and bath sizes with a holding capacity of between 2 and 5 t. Charging with metal is realised relatively independent of the removal of molten aluminium.

Less dross formation

The furnace is stationary in its standard design with a pneumatically actuated plug system. Most importantly, it is an intelligent design. Its limited bath surface reduces dross formation. Furthermore, a large bath door facilitates dedrossing.

Charging to meet requirements

Charging of the furnace can be configured to meet your requirements in full and is constructed by us to fulfil this need. Charging can be realised through the dry hearth door in the case of lumpy material. In the case of small reflux material, a semi-automatic lifting and tilting system for containers is mainly used. Charging is then realised via the charging shaft.

Product sheet EcoMelter© HSO
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Product sheet EcoMelter© WSO
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Product sheet EcoMelter© MSO
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