Energy engineering

Increase efficiency – reduce costs
How can companies use their energy resources practically while exploiting the entire potential of cost savings? This is best done with the aid of a neutral partner with a profound understanding of all the central issues involved in the energy industry and energy management. Most importantly, a partner that will also initiate all the measures required to transform the very latest energy concepts from theory to reality.
Comprehensive support
Decades of experience in the energy industry enable us to provide you with support right from the outset – support ranging from analysis, consulting and concept development to complete refurbishment and optimising of your installations.
Holistic concept
The goal at all times is to develop a consistent overall concept that, in taking all relevant factors into consideration, ensures that you are relieved completely of the burden involved. In brief, a concept that makes technical and economic sense and, naturally enough, meets all legal regulations in full. Consider, for example, new regulations in energy industry legislation and the Associations’ Agreement of VDEW.
Energy management / Engineering
You know that when it comes to energy supply, your savings potential is by no means exhausted. And you now need cost transparency as quickly as possible – preferably from an independent expert? Jasper can provide you with the support you need in all central areas of energy supply and distribution and, on the basis of a precise analysis, coordinate all further steps, including load profile analyses and facility management.
The focus: Energy-related renovation
Our focus lies in the energy-related renovation of existing installations and the development of highly efficient supply concepts. We take available technologies such as trigeneration CCHP systems into consideration during the planning and coordination of individual construction measures, making practical recommendations to enhance your economic advantage.
- Expert supply engineering appraisals
- Heating
- Ventilation
- Electrical engineering
- Air-conditioning technology
- Dehumidification - Planning of energy-related refurbishment of existing installations
- Development / planning of efficient supply concepts
- Planning and coordination of individual construction measures
- Realisation planning
- Tendering
- Site management
- Acceptance
Energy analysis
Where are the weak points in energy supply – and how can these be best remedied? Consumption rates for the last two years provide initial indications, and these are evaluated in detail by us and presented in graphic media. We take every required energy type into consideration in this respect, meaning power consumption and output, heat consumption and, potentially, output (for gas supplies under special contract). In addition, we also analyse water and waste water charges.
Reliable basis for concept development
Following a site inspection (1–2 days) we can then determine the load profile (i.e. the connection values of electric consumers and major load points, the output and condition of the heat supply). We also integrate any existing documents in our planning. The data collected and the site inspection then provide us with a basis which enables us to identify weak points accurately and develop concept proposals.
Energy and load management
Engineering services
We compile a rough plan of the technical concepts based on the data gathered by us and your documents. The project documentation compiled by us encompasses the following items:
Rough planning:
- Description of the actual condition
- Proposal concept with respective process P&ID
- Rough cost estimate (based on daily work)
- incl. investment and operational costs
- incl. profitability analysis
Detailed concepts
Where detailed concepts are required, we can provide you with support from the outset, both during technical realisation and the management of industrial plants. In addition, we can assist you in procuring subsidies and grants according to respective local regulations.
General planning consultant
Our competence as a general planning consultant for engineering and architectural services saves you time, money and nerves, because we ensure that the different tasks involved, including investment and operational costs, are coordinated perfectly with each other. This pays off, in particular, in the case of operational costs, as major waste heat potential can be exploited in this respect.
We provide the following services for the tasks listed below:
- Planning
- Tendering
- Site management
- Acceptance
- Handover
- Complete (!) building architecture
- Heating
- Ventilation
- Air-conditioning
- Medium voltage
- Low voltage
- Lighting
- EMC lightning protection
- Frost (NH3)
- Absorber cooling
- Thermal oil
- Water
- Waste water
- Flotation
- Gas
- Compressed air
- High and low-pressure steam installations
- Electrical engineering
- Process cooling
- Cogeneration
- Gas and steam turbines (CHP, combined gas and steam)
- Building control system
- Energy management
If you need a contracting partner, we will be more than happy to find suitable companies for you and monitor the coordination and handling.
Project realisation:
We deliver consistent concepts for your project and can provide you with complete support here from the draft planning phase right through to acceptance:
- Draft planning
- Approval planning
- Tendering
- Awarding negotiations
- Site management
- Auditing
- Documentation
- Acceptance
Invoicing method:
Offers and invoices are drafted on the basis of the currently valid German fee scales for architects and engineers (HOAI – Honorarordnung Ing.-Leistungen).
Conserving the environment – saving money
Energy contracting enables the practical economic and ecological financing of your heating installation – simply through an external provider. The principle is that the provider finances the installation over a longer period, earning on the energy saved. As the customer, you only pay for the heat produced. The advantage is that your entire planning and investment costs are dispensed with – and the installation is still yours after the contract period expires. A process where everybody wins, including the environment. Financing of other measures, such as regenerators or a cogeneration plant, can be arranged in the same manner.
Coordination and handling
The market for contracting has continued to expand. This is why it is even more important today to have an experienced partner like Jasper at your side to provide you with independent advice. We can locate suitable contracting partners for you and also take care of coordination and handling.
Risk management
EMC lightning protection concepts
A lightning strike can cause devastating damage in a company, particularly if it shuts down the EMC system. This almost always means a production and administration shutdown. We recommend that you protect yourself in a targeted manner. Take advantage of our expert know-how. We have comprehensive experience in the installation and use of EMC lightning protection concepts.
Thermal process systems / Firing systems
We are proven experts in the field of thermal process and firing systems. We can provide you with comprehensive advice in this area and develop solutions tailored perfectly to suit your company.
- Construction and delivery of industrial furnaces
- Energy saving
- Customised
- Recuperative / regenerative design - Areas: Aluminium, steel and environmental engineering such as turning and chip material treatment, fluidised bed, etc.
- Construction and delivery of burner systems
- Areas: Industrial furnaces and special installations, e.g. waste incineration, calcination
- Process engineering for pollutant reduction of dioxins, furan and NOx
- Patented processes
- Customised design - Control procedures
- Planning and optimising of process control technology
Detailed concepts:
Where detailed concepts are required, we can provide you with support from the outset, both during technical realisation and management. In addition, we can assist you in procuring subsidies and grants according to respective local regulations.
Everything from a single source:
We provide all necessary engineering services, thus relieving you completely of the burden. Individual sub-areas include:
- Planning
- Tendering
- Site management
- Cost control
- Acceptance
- Handover to operator